On Sunday, December 2, a dozen DFA men met at Brett and Tom’s house for a follow-up to November’s initial Brainstorming Session. We had a lively discussion and lots of volunteers offered to take the lead on several of the ideas that had been brought to the table.

If you missed the meeting, check out this summary document. The names in parentheses after an idea are the guys who volunteered to take on that particular project. We have more ideas than volunteers, so don’t be shy about signing up for something that doesn’t have an organizer yet! We’re all about brotherhood and meeting new men, so also feel free to offer to co-organize or assist with stuff that you’re passionate about even if somebody already has their name beside it.

Is there something that you’re interested in that’s not on the list? Create your own project! Remember, anyone can always organize activities that fit within our vision!

One of the exciting things that have come out of these brainstorming sessions is that we will be adding a monthly calendar to our web site so that you can plan ahead and see all of the upcoming events in one place. This should go live in January, but until then read on for some activities that will be happening in the near future.

PSLOD Beverage Benefit

Palm Springs Leather Order of the Desert holds their monthly Beverage Benefit every first Friday at the Tool Shed. The next one is this coming Friday, December 7th at 10 pm. We would like to go as a group to meet our brothers and let them know that we are supporting them! Use the back door, as that’s where they’ll be set up to greet people.

Whips in the Park

Drew Kramer (Mr. Palm Springs Leather 2011) is continuing his weekly whip throwing demonstrations on Sundays at 4 pm in the Southwest Corner of Ruth Hardy Park. All are welcome to watch or join in, no experience necessary.

Gear Flash Mob

Another of our brainstorming ideas was to gear up and show up as a group to support various local businesses. For our first Gear Mob, let’s all gather at The Barracks on Sunday, December 16 at 3 pm to support the bar and its staff as they work to regain their liquor license! What better time than the Holidays to spread a little cheer? Please try to show up at 3 pm. It’s important to be on time for a flash mob to be effective!

DFA Planning Session

The next DFA Planning Session will be January 6 at 10 am at a location to be announced. All are welcome to attend and share ideas to help us create and grow our DFA Brotherhood!