Last Saturday, November 17, two dozen DFA men gathered at Stefen and Ray’s house for a potluck dinner and brainstorming session to solicit ideas for future DFA events and activities. It was a night of great food and friendship, and a big list of creative ideas was generated!

In fact, there was so much wonderful discussion and fellowship that we never got around to the final part of the meeting, which was to ask volunteers to champion their favorite ideas and help bring them to fruition. To finish that work, Brett and Tom have agreed to host a follow-up gathering at their place this coming Sunday, December 2 at 10 am. Come prepared to sign up to work on one or more projects!

Plan on attending? Please RSVP to Tom at for directions.

Did you miss the brainstorming session and want to know what’s been discussed so far? Check out this summary document.

Is there something that you’re interested in that’s not on the list? Create your own project! Remember, anyone can always organize activities that fit within our vision!