
Save the Date: DFA at The Avengers This Friday!
It's got enough rubber and spandex and gadgets to give any self-respecting FetishMan a hardon! Let's get together this Friday and see The Avengers (in 3D!) at the Regal Cinemas in Palm Springs! Friday showtimes won't be announced until Wednesday at the earliest, but...

Hot Rodeo Pool Party & Fetish Fashion Show
Sexy cowboys? Hot fetish gear? Sounds like a perfect opportunity for DFA guys to get together and have some fun! Hot Rodeo 2012 (the Palm Springs Gay Rodeo) is kicking off its big weekend with a Pool Party on Friday, May 4 from 1-6 pm at its host hotel, The Ivy Palm...

April Event Wrap-Up
Despite rain and unseasonably cool temperatures, Friday the 13th was a lucky night for the Desert Fetish Authority! Over 90 guys (some from as far away as LA, San Diego and Orange County) showed up for our second event, held at The Barracks. April's gathering...

DFA Second Event: Rope Bondage Class & Gear Up Party
It’s a little less than two weeks till the next DFA event and lots of fun and brotherhood are in the works! See you on lucky Friday, April 13 at The Barracks! What’s Gonna Happen? Our second event will be a two-parter, and it’s a direct response to your survey...

Next Gathering: April 13
Get Ready! The next DFA Event will be Friday, April 13 at The Barracks in Cathedral City. More details will be coming soon, but for now plan on a Kinky Skills-Building Workshop from 7:30-9:00 pm, followed by a Social from 9-11. Our first event attracted a great...

Launch Party Wrap-Up
This past Thursday’s DFA Launch Party was more successful than we ever could have imagined! Over 120 guys showed up, with many staying well past the 9:30 p.m. closing time. (Check out our group photo to see just some of the men who stayed to the very end!) It was a...

Launch Party Update
It’s only a few days till Thursday’s DFA Launch Party and we couldn’t be more excited! As of today, 135 of you have subscribed to our email updates and 55 more of you have joined our Facebook Group. That’s pretty incredible, given that we’ve only been around a couple...

First Gathering
Our first gathering will be a social event with an educational demo on Thursday, February 9 from 7:30-9:30 pm at Hunters in Palm Springs. Come hang out with hot men in gear and learn a kinky skill! We'll have the entire Dance Room reserved just for us. Subscribe to...

Our Vision
What We're About We envision a Next Guard fetish organization built on five principles: Brotherhood We are a fraternity of like-minded men who truly enjoy hanging out together. We’re just as likely to grab a workout, meal, or movie as we are to hang at a...