Nov 21, 2014 | Activities, News
Our latest Men’s Discussion Group took place on November 14. 12+ men showed up for a great discussion on body issues as they pertain to cruising, comfort in one’s skin, self-esteem and how we look in gear. The conversation went everywhere, from total acceptance...
Oct 21, 2014 | Activities, News
After a summer hiatus the DFA Book Club zooms back to life with a special event, open to everyone, at Gear Leather & Fetish on Wednesday November 5 at 6pm. Last year Alex Ironrod read excerpts from LEATHER DAYS, his second novel involving LAPD homicide detectives...
Sep 17, 2014 | Activities, News
The Power Dynamics Group is now meeting at 3 pm on the third Sunday of every month. Join our email list at for location. Master/slave, Daddy/boy, Alpha/sub: We are forming a group of men who are engaged in or have an interest in any...
Aug 7, 2014 | Activities, News
Join your Fetish brothers for a Pool Party on Saturday, August 23, 2014 at 5 PM in Cathedral City’s ALDEA neighborhood (off Plumley and Gerald Ford). Bring your Kinky Gear to wear or play with. Or just come hang out with your Fetish Friends. E-mail...