Another cycle of the Magister Circle is beginning.

The intention of the Magister Circle is a different way of doing BDSM education based on two premises. First: that we all have something in our own experience to enrich the experience of others; and second: that the best way to share and learn is in a small group with other men with whom you are comfortable.

Each circle is composed of eight or fewer men. We meet once a month for six months, December through May. Ideally, at each meeting, each man is given the opportunity to demonstrate or talk about some aspect of BDSM. By way of example, men in previous cycles have explored candle wax, electricity, urethral sounding and catheters, vac sacks, bondage, and flogging. However, there is no set format and the group is yours. In the last cycle, a (very) special guest was brought in who was not part of the circle to demonstrate scrotal inflation at the request of the members.

If you would like to participate, please send an email to Let us know a little bit about you, your interest, and your experience. Also–very important–During the months of December through May, please list any week nights or weekend days that would not work for you.

For example, if you work every Sunday or bowl every Monday night, then Sunday during the day and Monday night would be a no for you. And, if you plan on going on a cruise the third week of March, list that, too.

Hopefully, there will be a regular evening or weekend afternoon that will work for everyone for all six months, so instead of remembering six dates we’ll just have to remember “the second Tuesday of the month” for the duration of the circle.


Frequently Asked Questions

Magister what now?

“Magister” comes from Thom Magister, whose essay in the Leatherfolk anthology described his initiation and training in motorcycle clubs in Los Angeles in the 1940s and 1950s. It’s a fascinating read and describes the setting and environment we’re shooting for.


What if I have no experience?

Men who have almost no experience and men who have decades of experience have all been through the group and benefitted from it. The circle is a good–and safe and supportive–space to try something for the first time and gain confidence in new skills.


Is it just for Tops?

Hell no. For one thing, Tops need someone to demonstrate on, so bottoms who participate get plenty of action. Also, if there’s something you’ve always wanted to try but never found anyone you felt you could trust, the circle might be a good setting.


What if I decide it’s not for me once the group has started?

That’s why it’s only a six month commitment. Out of respect for the group, please stick it out and in May you can get on with your life.


I’ve done it before. Can I do it again?

Absolutely. Welcome back!