This activity is currently on hiatus.

Join us for our monthly Leather/Fetish Open Discussion Group, Kink Talk! The purpose and topic is to talk openly about kink in fetish and how it enhances and affects our lives. We gather every second Saturday from 3:00-4:30 pm at The Barracks in Cathedral City. Stefen Burchard will facilitate.

Most sessions have minimal structure, but we sometimes announce a topic in advance as a jumping off point. Stefen will allow the energy of the group—as revealed during the introductions and intent portion—to dictate where the discussion will lead.

The purpose of the group is to provide a forum for us to come together and speak uncensored about our experiences, desires and possible challenges in the Leather & Fetish Community. Stefen’s intent is to facilitate an open, non-judgmental space in which we can all grow and learn from each other and become closer as DFA Brothers. With a few discussions under our belt, the group will take on a life, culture and direction of its own.

Interested in helping out? We’ll always need help setting up the room! Plus Stefen is open to allowing other experienced facilitators and moderators to lead future discussions. Email him at Gear up and join your DFA Brothers on an exploration of open sharing and intimacy!

More About The Group

Many guys wonder if the Discussion Group is for them. To help you understand more of what it’s about, here’s some additional info from the group’s facilitator, Stefen:

The vision and intent of the DFA Open Discussion is Brotherhood and Bonding. This happens as participants become familiar with other members by attending on a regular or semi-regular basis. Trust, safety and intimacy build in the group over time.

We often announce a topic in advance of each session. The guys who attend usually decide where the conversation goes. Nothing is “off limits” as long as it stays within the realm of BDSM and Kink. The facilitator ensures that everyone has a chance to share and that ground rules are not violated, but does not control the conversation.

In the past, we’ve talked about topics like fantasies, first kink/BDSM experiences, leather families, BDSM etiquette and safeguards, “Safe, Sane and Consensual”, show and tell, and real-life experiences. Some upcoming topics include: wear and tell, grab bag stories, kink coming out stories, helping newbies, “true or not”, and many more. Come find out what it’s all about or come introduce something fun to discuss.

Although you’ll probably learn things by participating in the conversation, the discussion group is not designed to teach participants about particular BDSM and kink skills. We do those sorts of seminars in our hands-on Kink Exploratorium series, which occurs in other venues periodically throughout the year.

Whether you’re a long time participant or a newcomer, please know that you are welcome! We will go out of our way to greet you and include you in the conversation.  We look forward to seeing you at our next discussion group!