Apr 29, 2012 | Activities
Sexy cowboys? Hot fetish gear? Sounds like a perfect opportunity for DFA guys to get together and have some fun! Hot Rodeo 2012 (the Palm Springs Gay Rodeo) is kicking off its big weekend with a Pool Party on Friday, May 4 from 1-6 pm at its host hotel, The Ivy Palm...
Apr 22, 2012 | Activities
Despite rain and unseasonably cool temperatures, Friday the 13th was a lucky night for the Desert Fetish Authority! Over 90 guys (some from as far away as LA, San Diego and Orange County) showed up for our second event, held at The Barracks. April’s gathering...
Apr 2, 2012 | Activities, News
It’s a little less than two weeks till the next DFA event and lots of fun and brotherhood are in the works! See you on lucky Friday, April 13 at The Barracks! What’s Gonna Happen? Our second event will be a two-parter, and it’s a direct response to your survey...
Mar 27, 2012 | Activities, News
Get Ready! The next DFA Event will be Friday, April 13 at The Barracks in Cathedral City. More details will be coming soon, but for now plan on a Kinky Skills-Building Workshop from 7:30-9:00 pm, followed by a Social from 9-11. Our first event attracted a great...