Desert Fetish Authority


Doriam Couto

PSLOD Club Social Series

Palm Springs Leather Order of the Desert CLUB SOCIAL Series featuring Mr. San Diego Leather Doriam Couto on The Art of Impact Play.

Doriam is a young and proud Latino Leatherman hailing from San Diego! Finding his niche in life as a massage therapist, Doriam learned he had a knack for doing mean things to people when they let him, and that very smoothly transitioned into his Leatherlife. Active in San Diego's community since 2015, Doriam learned early that being fully versatile is one of the best things in life!

He loves getting roughed up just as much as he loves roughing up other folks, and is honored to be teaching this Rough Body and Impact Play course for PSLoD!!


Floggers and Canes and Wrestling, Oh My! This class will introduce folks to the basics of these three styles of play, alternating between live demo and practice, Doriam encourages you bring your toy bags and a willing butt - oh, and to be ready for some hands on experience.

Thursday, June 13 from 7-8ish at the LGBT Center of the Desert. Note that this event is NOT being held at the Camelot Theatre as usual.


Kink Talk
This week our discussion group, Kink Talk, returns. We meet from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Webster Room at The Barracks on each second Friday of the month--which is this Friday, June 14.

Learn more about Kink Talk here.

Join us Friday for great conversation (and a little learning too)!


Basic Training at The Barracks

Heads up! Monthly BDSM education? Yes! On the second Friday of every month at one of the top ten Leather bars in the world, The Barracks!

This Month -- TBA. Check out our Facebook page for an announcement once the topic is ready.

The fun starts at 9 pm!



Power Dynamics Group

The Power Dynamics Group is a group of men who are engaged in or have an interest in any connection between men that involves the exchange of obedience for responsibility, as in a Master/slave, Daddy/boy, etc.

June 16, 3:00 pm. Click the link for details. Contact for location.


Mr. Tool Shed Leather

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Brotherhood. Gear. Education. Play. Pride