Desert Fetish Authority

Check Out Our New Website

We've been hard at work redoing our website for you and we're excited to say that the bulk of the work is now done! Now our site is responsive, meaning that it looks just as great on your phone as it does on your desktop or tablet. We think you'll find the changes especially helpful as you browse us from your phone.

We're still under construction and you may find that older blog entries look kind of funky. But all of the important stuff should work just right. Please let us know if you run across something that's not working and we'll get right on it!

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Power Dynamics Group

The Power Dynamics Group is a group of men who are engaged in or have an interest in any connection between men that involves the exchange of obedience for responsibility, as in a Master/slave, Daddy/boy, etc.

July 21, 3:00 pm. Click the link for details. Contact for location.

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Brotherhood. Gear. Education. Play. Pride